30 Ways to Tell Your Kids [I Love You] (2024)

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In a world where kids are bombarded with negativity from around every corner, as a parent you can do so much to overcome that. With so many negative voices that tell your kids they don’t measure up, they aren’t good enough, they’re too (fat, thin, stupid, sensitive…), as their parent you can make sure they know they will always have your unconditional love and support. “How can I tell my child I love them?” If you find yourself asking this question, you’re not alone. Words of affirmation are one super powerful and creative way you can make your child feel loved. As a mom of 9, I’ve come up with some pretty creative ways to tell your kids, “I love you.” And, there are some pretty simple steps you’ll want to make sure you follow so your kid will not just know they are loved but feel they are loved, too.

Yay! We have the list of ways to tell your kids you love them in printed form. Download it, print it off, and choose a new phrase every day! Just tell us where to send your list!

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Get on their level

Look your child in the eye, especially when you want them to really hear you. The eyes are the windows to the soul, they say, and I think they are right. This means you’ll need to be on a level where you can see their eyes. With 9 kids from 19 down to 2, I know just how much better kids listen when you talk to them on their level.

Look them in the eye as you tell your child you love them

As mentioned above, true communication is much more than words. Your eyes will show your child the true emotion you have in your heart. When you look your child in their eye, they will feel your love.

It’s even important to look your child in the eye when you need to reprimand them or explain things to them in a way they will understand.

Looking someone in the eye is the best way to communicate with anyone.

Use a calm voice

This one goes without saying, but even if you’re feeling awkward, stressed, or frustrated, your kids will hear you better when you speak in a calm and gentle voice.

Take their hands

Healthy physical touch takes what you say to a deeper level. There’s a connection that happens when you take your child’s hand in yours. Even with teens, taking the time to just take their hand for a moment as you affirm them is so worth any awkward feeling you may have. And, it does wonders for filling your soul, too.


There is nothing more calming than a genuine and warm smile. A true and genuine smile can put your child at ease and make them forget about the trials of their day.

Tune out your surroundings

Tune out your surroundings so you can truly just focus on your child and this moment. With a house full of 11 people there is no shortage of noise and craziness much of the time. But, when I want to make sure my child hears me I make sure we’re in a quieter place so we can just focus on one another.

Use a natural follow-up

When using words of affirmation to tell your kids you love them, follow those words up with something that feels natural and makes sense.

For instance, you might say:

  • I just wanted you to know
  • Thanks for listening
  • That will never change
  • I don’t tell you these things enough
  • I need to make telling you these things more of a habit

Choose one of these or come up with one that feels better to you. But, anytime you use affirming words with your kids, choose a relevant follow-up that brings the conversation to a close.

Have a variety of affirming words on hand

Having some things in mind ahead of time makes it much easier to just say them. This is exactly why we created the list of affirming words you can print right off.

30 Ways to Tell Your Kids [I Love You] (2)

They are perfect for all ages, and it takes the guesswork out of knowing what to say.

Make sharing words of affirmation a regular thing with your kids

Life is busy. It’s so easy to take things for granted – including the people in your life. And, let’s face it, sometimes our kids don’t seem so lovable.

But, one of the most important things you can do as a parent is make sure that your kids know you love them all the time, no matter what, and both now and in the future.

Sharing words of affirmation with your kids is a simple yet powerful way to do this.

You can’t protect your child from all the negativity they likely experience every day. Things like bullying, cyber bullying, the constant comparison of social media posts, unattainable expectations, and more are just part of the world your kids are growing up in.

But, you can be their protection from all of that. You can be sure they know they are loved – by you all the time.

Share these words of love with your kids today!

Looking for more on how to talk to your kids? Try these:

Words of Affirmation to Share With Your Kids

How to Talk To Your Kids So They’ll Listen


30 Ways to Tell Your Kids [I Love You] (2024)


How do you tell your kids how much you love them? ›

I love being around you. I'm so glad you're here with me. I love doing things with you. I was so blessed the day I had you.

How do you respond when a child says I love you? ›

Professionally I believe that we don't say I love you to the child/youth until they say it first then you can always respond "you too" or "I love you too buddy"- I always said that when I was working with babies up to elementary aged kids.

Do I tell my kids I love them too much? ›

Yes, you can love something too much, and it does harm. Children need nurture, and children flourish if they are nurtured. But, when children are over-nurtured, smothered, and overprotected, it becomes childhood overindulgence. Overnurturing keeps children from becoming successful and self-confident.

How do you express your love for your child in words? ›

Second, there are words of affection. These can especially help build attachment and bonding with your child. Words of affection can be simply telling your child “I love you” on a daily basis. You can also say things like “I'm so proud of you” or “I'm so thankful the Lord brought you into our lives”.

How to tell your son I love you? ›

Make a habit of expressing your affection daily through hugs, kisses, or kind words. Don't forget to praise his efforts and let him know how proud you are of his achievements. This consistent display of love will reinforce the message that he is loved unconditionally and help him feel safe in your relationship.

When should kids say I love you? ›

At age 3 or 4, many children are stringing together short sentences. That means they may even begin to express their love for you with actual words and phrases. You might hear "I love you, Mommy" or "Your skin is so soft" or even "I want to marry you and be together forever." They all mean the same thing.

How do I express my love to my daughter? ›

How do I express my love to my daughter?
  1. “You were the best thing to ever happen to me, and I will love you forever.”
  2. “I'm so excited to watch you achieve your dreams.”
  3. “I will always be there for you, no matter what happens.”
Apr 26, 2024

Can I tell my students I love them? ›

The benefits of telling students that they are loved extends directly to the classroom. Students are more likely to engage in meaningful discussion when they feel like they belong and are supported by their instructor. They may feel more emotionally connected to the class and more efficacious in their academic mindset.

Why do children say I love you? ›

Why does my child say “I love you” all the time? Possibly because they are just full of love! But equally possible, your child may be seeking reassurance and wants to hear you say “I love you” right back! The best thing you can do whenever your child says “I love you” is to tell them you love them!

How do you say I love you in expression? ›

Different Ways To Say 'I Love You' to a Romantic Partner
  1. I adore you.
  2. My heart bursts with love at the sight of you.
  3. I'm nothing without you.
  4. I'm head over heels for you!
  5. I've fallen for you.
  6. You complete me.
  7. Baby, I'm yours.
  8. I need you.
Feb 13, 2024

Should you tell your kids you love them every day? ›

Share messages of love openly and often.

It may sound corny, but anything parents can do to practice communicating is good. Reaching out frequently lets your kids know that you love them even if they roll their eyes when you say it.

How often should I tell my kids I love them? ›

🌟 As a parent, there are few things more important than letting your children know how much you love and appreciate them. 💕 It's easy to get caught up in the daily grind of work, chores, and errands, but taking just a few minutes each day to express your love can make a huge difference in your child's life.

How many times a day should you tell your child you love them? ›

Tell your child you love her every day. And tell her how important she is to you and how she makes you feel. Reinforce positive behavior. For example, if your child completes his chores without your asking, acknowledge it with words of appreciation—even if you don't have the chance do so until the next day.

How can a mother express her love to her child? ›

Go for Small Gestures

Parents can still demonstrate their love with small gestures. Morin suggests parents write notes and put it in their lunch, offer praise, give high fives, and say kind things about your kids in front of other people. "Your actions speak volumes about how much you care for them," she insists.

How can you say the mother loved her children? ›

She spends every second around her child for fulfilling his all needs. Since childhood our mother keeps telling us what is wrong and what is right in manner to build us as a good human being and also encourage us to do good things in life. She loves and cares us without any personal greed.

Do you say "te amo" to your parents? ›

It is associated with passionate and more romantic sentiments, and carries a weight and seriousness that doesn't come with the casual “te quiero”. Some do use “te amo” to express deep love for very close friends and family, though that is not as common.

How can you describe the love of a mother to her child? ›

Mother's love is the purest form of love. It cannot be compared with anything in this universe. The feeling of love that a mother has towards her children is inexpressible. Mothers always want the best for their children, and they will never compromise the quality of things they can offer to their little ones.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.